So here I am at the adult school kitchen, watching my rice cook in my newly bought locally fabricated pot code named " kokolet".. My neighbor asks off handedly. " are you going to sit here till the rice cooks?" I respond in the affirmative, and she says " me I cannot oo." I will put it on fire and go to the room and return later, she adds.. I simply smiled , looking at the bubbles accompanying the sound of rice boiling, I catch an instantaneous lesson surge from the depth of my spirit , which I proceeded to share with her. It is an undeniable part of humankind to hate the kitchen heat but love the food that the heat produces. cooking various delicacies reminds you about the need to be patient with yourself whilst your dreams and visions cook. Rice and beans do not share the same cooking time! The same applies to beef and fish, whilst cake and chin chin do not share the same production time. Still starring at the rice bubblin...