Photo Credit: TV360
Nigeria, Tanzania, Eritrea and Sudan have made the list of countries whose citizens  have been handed down immigration restriction.

In a Proclamation on Improving Enhanced Vetting Capabilities and Processes for Detecting Attempted Entry, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, has suspended  the immigrant entry into the United States by the citizens of the affected countries in the interests of the United States of America. 

The proclamation cites Nigeria's non compliance with the established identity-management and information-sharing criteria assessed by the performance metrics.  

It further states that Nigeria does not adequately share public-safety and terrorism-related information, which is necessary for the protection of the national security and public safety of the United States.  

Nigeria it notes, presents a high risk, relative to other countries in the world, of terrorist travel to the United States. While acknowledging Nigeria's role as an important strategic partner in the global fight against terrorism, the United States pledges to continue to engage with Nigeria on these and other issues. It however points out the Department of State's significant assistance to Nigeria as it modernizes its border management capabilities, which the Government of Nigeria recognizes the importance of improving its information sharing with the United States.  

Nevertheless, it questions why these investments have not yet resulted in sufficient improvements in Nigeria’s information sharing with the United States for border and immigration screening and vetting.
   Against these premises, *The entry into the United States of nationals of Nigeria as immigrants*, except as Special Immigrants whose eligibility is based on having provided assistance to the United States Government, *is hereby suspended*.

The Suspension applies to Nigerians who:

(i)    are outside the United States on the applicable effective date of this proclamation;

(ii)   do not have a valid visa on the applicable effective date of this proclamation; and

(iii)  do not qualify for a visa or other valid travel document under the relevant section of this Proclamation.

The suspension  proclamation takes effect from 12:01 am eastern standard time on January 31, 2020, or February 21, 2020, as applicable to the affected Countries.

Adjustments to Removal of Suspensions and Limitations will be effected when “ The Secretary of Homeland Security, in consultation with the Secretary of State, shall on October 1, 2020, and annually thereafter, submit to the President the results of an evaluation as to whether to continue, terminate, modify, or supplement any suspensions of, or limitations on, the entry on certain classes of nationals of the affected countries.

As Nigeria's Foreign Affairs Minister prepares to jet out for a strategic discussion on this development;  it is time to build the country of our dreams !


  1. This was long overdue; with the killing of Christians with impunity in Northern Nigeria by Boko Haram, the invasion of Eastern, Western and Southern Nigeria by Fulani Herdsmen and the subsequent mauling of Nigerians in theses regions, the kidnapping and raping of young girls in schools in Northern Nigeria and their abduction to Sambisa Forest. None of these have been treated with the seriousness and promptness that any civilized government would have handled it. Indeed, this was long overdue. Other countries should take the same stance and all Nigerian government officials should be prevented from traveling to these countries for anything, including medical treatment.


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