I can almost feel your unrestrained excitement … " Thank God it's Friday.." Your bags are already packed, ready to go visiting a family relative, friend or lover. Wait a minute! Are you sure you are not an initiated member of the " house guest from hell" gang? Yes, those whose visit leaves the host in palpitation, unhappiness, and departure clock watching? Are you the type whose arrival notification phone call sets your proposed host sending you a " we are not in town" response? " All house guests bring happiness. Some when they arrive, some when they leave- Confucius" You must be wondering why none of your hosts would want you around for a second visit... Let me save your the research stress, just tick your boxes bellow as appropriate... Do you clean up the bathroom properly after use? What is your toilet use habit? Do you flush everything down or do you leave a bit for your host? Do you pitch in on household chor...